The Difference Between Biodegradable Mailer Bags And Traditional Mailer Bags

Jun. 13, 2024

1. Material difference: The main components of biodegradable express bags are PLA and PBAT, as well as some starch or calcium carbonate. These materials are harmless to the environment and can be directly decomposed into water and carbon dioxide under certain conditions so that they can be directly treated as composting materials. Ordinary express delivery mainly uses ethylene accumulating plastic bags. If used up, they can be reused and have little environmental pollution. However, they are not directly recycled as landfills and cannot be degraded for decades. Even if burned, harmful gases will be produced. Therefore, biodegradable express delivery bags in terms of environmental protection are the future development direction.

The Difference Between Biodegradable Mailer Bags And Traditional Mailer Bags 


2. Difference in degradation time: The degradation of plastic bags takes 200 to 1000 years. The degradation time of various types of waste plastics varies, mainly depending on the material. There is no specific statistical data on this, with more years or even hundreds of years, shorter years, or less than a year.

The components of fully degradable plastic bags are biodegradable materials such as starch and cellulose, which have a soft texture and are not transparent.

Under degradation conditions, it can generally be degraded for 3-6 months without polluting the environment.



2. Price difference: There is still a significant cost difference between biodegradable materials and plastic polyethylene. The raw materials for biodegradable materials in the market are around 25000 yuan/ton, while the cost of plastic polyethylene is currently around 9000 yuan/ton, so the cost of ordinary express bags is relatively low in terms of cost-effectiveness.


4. Performance difference: After more than a decade of development, the physical properties of biodegradable materials have gradually improved, reaching 80% of the physical properties of traditional plastics and can be applied in various application scenarios.


Ordinary express plastic bags may contain toxic substances:

The Difference Between Biodegradable Mailer Bags And Traditional Mailer Bags


This is mainly because they may use recycled materials in the production process, which may come from medical waste, chemical waste, etc. These materials may contain a large amount of potential viruses and bacteria, as well as harmful substances such as plasticizers. In addition, the components of express plastic bags may also include polyethylene (PE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which are non-toxic at room temperature. However, in order to adapt to different use environments and occasions, some additives, such as reinforcing agent, plasticizer, dye, anti-aging agent, etc., are often added. These additives may volatilize under specific conditions, posing a threat to health.

The dirtiness of express plastic bags may also increase their toxicity, as they are often piled up on the ground during packaging, transportation, and transit, which is highly likely to contaminate the packager and surrounding environment with bacteria and various pollutants. In addition, some express plastic bags may be made from recycled materials, which may contain a large amount of harmful substances such as heavy metals, chemical oxygen demand (COD) emissions, sticky powder, or carcinogenic plasticizers such as dioxins.


Although some express delivery plastic bags have materials that meet national standards but are non-toxic, many express delivery companies, in order to reduce costs, extensively use recycled materials from chemical waste, medical waste, and household waste to produce express packaging plastic bags. These plastic bags generally contain excessive heavy metals, toxic organic compounds, and pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Therefore, experts suggest washing hands after using express plastic bags to reduce potential harm to the human body.


Market prospects for biodegradable mailer bags:


 The Difference Between Biodegradable Mailer Bags And Traditional Mailer Bags


1. Environmental demand driven: With the continuous improvement of global environmental awareness, consumers' demand for environmentally friendly products is increasing. Biodegradable express packaging bags are made of biodegradable materials, which can quickly decompose in the natural environment and effectively reduce environmental pollution. Therefore, the market demand for biodegradable express packaging bags will continue to grow.


2. Policy support: Governments around the world have issued plastic restriction orders to prohibit the use of disposable plastic products. Policy support will provide broad space and opportunities for the development of biodegradable express packaging bags.


3. Industry trend: With the rapid development of the logistics industry, the demand for express packaging bags will continue to grow. The biodegradable express packaging bag industry will experience explosive growth in the coming years, becoming a new entrepreneurial blue ocean.

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