Shelf Life of Biodegradable Bags

Jul. 26, 2024

The shelf life of biodegradable plastic bags is generally around one year, depending on the material composition and environmental factors.

Shelf Life of Biodegradable Bags 


1. Definition and types of biodegradable plastic bags

Degradable plastic bag refers to a type of plastic bag made from biodegradable raw materials, which is degraded into CO2, H2O, and organic fertilizer through environmental impact reduction, thereby reducing pollution and harm to the environment. Degradable plastic bags are classified into several different types based on their material composition, such as starch, polyester, polyamide, starch doped polyester, etc. Different types of biodegradable plastic bags have different physical properties and biodegradability.


2. Shelf life of biodegradable plastic bags

The shelf life of biodegradable plastic bags is related to their material composition and environmental factors. In general, the shelf life of biodegradable plastic bags is about one year. The specific time depends on environmental factors such as material composition, temperature, sunlight exposure, humidity, etc. Under normal storage conditions, biodegradable plastic bags can maintain good performance and quality, an3、 The use and recycling of biodegradable plastic bags


3. The use and recycling of biodegradable plastic bags

The use of biodegradable plastic bags is similar to that of ordinary plastic bags, and can be used for various purposes such as shopping bags, garbage bags, packaging bags, etc. During use, attention should be paid to avoiding excessive load and prolonged exposure to sunlight to extend its service life. When biodegradable plastic bags reach the waste standard, they can be recycled or completely degraded. Thorough degradation treatment refers to placing biodegradable plastic bags under specific environmental conditions and degrading them into harmless substances through microbial degradation and other methods, thereby achieving dual protection of the environment.

Degradable plastic bags have played a positive role in reducing environmental pollution and harm, but their shelf life also limits their service life to some extent. Therefore, while using biodegradable plastic bags, it is also necessary to pay attention to reasonable use and waste recycling.d will not produce odors, mold, or other phenomena during use.


Shelf Life of Biodegradable Bags 


4. What are the impacts of biodegradable plastic bags on the environment

Biodegradable plastic bags are a more environmentally friendly choice compared to traditional plastic bags. They are mainly made of biodegradable polymers such as starch, cellulose, polylactic acid, etc. Compared with common plastic bags, they have the following advantages:

Fast degradation rate: Biodegradable plastic bags can degrade rapidly under natural conditions, usually completely degrading within three months to one year. In contrast, traditional plastic bags may take decades or even hundreds of years to degrade.

ㆍReduce plastic pollution: Plastic bags are a common source of environmental pollution, especially in the ocean. Biodegradable plastic bags have a fast degradation rate, which can reduce the time plastic exists in the natural environment and minimize its impact on biological systems.

ㆍReduce fossil fuel consumption: The raw materials for biodegradable plastic bags are mainly reusable resources such as starch and cellulose. In contrast, traditional plastic bags are usually made from non reusable resources such as petroleum. Using biodegradable plastic bags can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide.

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